Dizzy Wizard    screenshots, download
2 versions of game

 dizzyw1t.png dizzyw1g.png
dizzyw5t.png dizzyw5g.png


2 versions of game.  TOS dep, mouse, joystick or keyboard  control .
Src: STX img. of org. 1MB v. Crks. of 512K v.  Fixes , packing, deprot, TT slowdown, etc. Works on all ST, STE, Mega ST(E), TT, Falcon ,  from hard disks. Min RAM 1MB. for 512K v. - then no music at start. 2MB min for 1MB v. and 512K v. with music.  Exit to Desktop and statesave options.  

Cat: M5TPL, M1TPL .

